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The eighth volume of “The Suwalsko-Augustowski Yearbook” opens with an in-depth article titled The Regional Museum in Suwalki (1956-1962) by Andrzej Matusiewicz. The author described circumstances of its coming into being and its initial period of functioning as the first museum in postwar Suwalki. The District Museum is its continuator. He showed the enthusiasm accompanying its creation, social engagement of its creators, the support given to the idea by participants of the Jatving Expedition, and also difficulties resulting from lack of financial means, staff and proper exhibition rooms. The author also discussed the museum collections and exhibitions organized. He devoted a lot of space to Antoni Patla, the creator and first curator of the museum.

Jan Nikolajuk in his article The District Border Guard ”Suwalki”. Coming into Existence and Functioning presented the organization, structure and personnel, as well as tasks of the group who, from 16 January 1939, protected the Suwalki segment of the border with East Prussia. He also described participation of the District Border Guard “Suwalki” in fights in the first days of September 1939. The text is complemented with annexes comprising, among other things, a list of commanding officers, reports of service results for May and June 1939, as well as a list of border guards decorated with medals.

Przerosl During Partition Period is the title of an extensive study by Jaroslaw Szlaszynski, devoted to the history of one of the oldest towns in the Suwalszczyzna, which, after a period of development in the middle of the 19thcentury, lost its importance significantly, and in 1869 lost the city charter and became a settlement. The author discussed in detail spheres of city life, administrative changes, political system and local authorities. He analysed the spatial layout and building style, infrastructure, facilities and investments, town finances and property, then commune finances and property. The author devoted a lot of space to the town’s economic status, inhabitants’ jobs, agriculture, crafts and trade. He also presented data concerning the number of residents, their national, religious and material structure. He described the local elite, social and religious life.

The author devoted a lot of space to the town’s everyday life, state of education and participation of the inhabitants in the national movement and World War I.

The section of announcements opens with an essay by Józefa Drozdowska The Picture “Christ’s Baptism” by Wojciech Gerson in the parish church dedicated to the Elevation of the Cross” in Barglów Koscielny”. The author discussed in it one of the most valuable paintings found in churches in Suwalki and Augustów regions. She described the circumstances in which the picure was painted and analysed it and compared to other works by Wojciech Gerson.

The study by Andrzej Matusiewicz titled The Executed in Suwalki in the Years 1863-1864”is devoted to tsarist repressions of participants of the January Uprising and is a summary of current knowledge about people executed in Suwalki. The author presented, in chronological order, information on sentences passed, descriptions of 13 executions and biographies of 20 executed people.

Artur Ochal in his announcement Lopuchowo – the Evangelical Period in the History of the Suwalki Village described the fate of the evangelical community living in Lopuchowo in the 19thand the beginning of the 20thcentury. Lopuchowo is a village now situated in the middle of the Suwalki Landscape Park. The author devoted a lot of attention to the dramatic events of World War II and the first post-war years.

Jaroslaw Schabieñski, the author of two announcements: Surveillance of “Solidarity” movement in Suwalskie Province in its first period of functioning – methods and aims of activity, distribution of information and People’s councils elections in 1984 – voting with no possibility of choice dealt with events from the latest history.

A similar subject was discussed by Marcin Zwolski in his article A Secret Agent on the Board of Region“Pojezierze”, in which he presented the circumstances of recruitment and later cooperation with the Security Service of secret agent “Ewa” – one of activists of “Solidarity” local structures.

In the new section called Profiles Beata Kwasigroch presented a profile of Leonard Niedzwiecki, a graduate of the faculty school in Sejny, a participant of the November Uprising, and later an emigration activist and a friend of and secretary to Wladyslaw Zamoyski. Jacek Przygucki in his text A Story of Lieutenant Adam Aleksandrowicz discussed a dramatic fate of one of the Knights of the Virtuti Militari Order, a participant of the Sejny Uprising and a hero of the Polish-Soviet War.

The section of materials opens with a selection of documents (from the collection of the State Archives in Suwalki) referring to the attitude of the state administration authorities to a community of Old-Believers in the years 1945-1970, with an introduction by Tadeusz Radziwonowicz. Another material is a report by the chief of provincial Citizen’s Militia in Suwalki prepared by Marcin Zwolski. The report contains an evaluation of the political and operational situation in Suwalskie Province in 1982. It is an exceptionally interesting source, containing information on, among other things, activity of the opposition, church and actions of security bodies before and after the introduction of martial law.

In the section of reviews there are reviews of the first volume of the “Grodzienski (Grodno) Yearbook” (by Adam Czeslaw Dobronski), the third part of Kazimierz Omiljanowicz’s memories called Siberia Has Many Names (Tadeusz Radziwonowicz) and a controversial publication by Ryszard Wysocki titled The Truth Cannot Be Omitted, Crime Cannot Be Escaped From. Time of Partisan Struggle In Suwalszczyzna Region 1939-1947 (Bartlomiej Rychlewski).

A chronicle of activities conducted in 2007 by the Suwalsko-Augustowskie Scientific Society, the District Museum in Suwalki and the State Archives in Suwalki closes this volume.




